četvrtak, 4. prosinca 2014.

Evaluation Of The Project

This was our first assessment. The brief was very clear and I had no trouble with understanding what I had to do for this project. Also, starting a blog was very new to me and I was a bit scared. Regardless, I tryed to post everything on time, and soon blogging became a part of my everyday life and I love it. 

By taking elements from the Elizabethan era and adding contemporary ones, we had to create our New Elizabethan. There are a lot of New Elizabethans these days. I chose Rihanna, based on her style and the way she dresses. Through the films about Queen Elizabeth I and all the research, I've really learned a lot. It made me realize how much influence that era had on everyone and it is still around us in so many different ways. 

I've had many ideas for my design but wasn't sure how to combine everything into my final look. Many face charts and a lot of practice later, I've came up with my final make up design. It is a 'Queen Elizabeth meets Rihanna' inspired look; pale face and purple lips.50 Even though it is a very simple look, I really like it. I think that my partner, Greta, did a good job and I'm very happy with the final outcome. I gave her my face chart, notes and a list of products and we practiced a lot. She did the same for me, and I think we were a good team. I definitely wouldn't mind working with her again in the future. 

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