subota, 18. listopada 2014.

A contemporary portrait

For the contemprorary portrait assignment I chose a portrait of Princess Diana. She was a smart, beautiful, extraordinary woman with a big heart. Who knows what would the world be like if she was still in it.
(source: -date: Oct 18th 2014)

This was her first official portrait and it is now displayed in the National Portrait Gallery in London. The portrait was painted by Bryan Organ in 1981. She was 19, and just got engaged to Prince Charles. The reason why I decided to use this portrait is because of the clothes she's wearing. Looking back at the Elizabethan portraits I've noticed that it wasn't fashionable (or appropriate) for women to wear trousers. I like the fact that she looks elegant, sophisticated and feminine without wearing a big poofy dress. She is not wearing a lot of jewlery either, just her engagement ring. Also, the way she's sitting reminds me of Queen Elizabeth (hand on the chair). She is sitting on a chair, and not a throne, because she is not a princess yet, but from the background I am guessing that the portrait was taken at the Kensington Palace.

My Self Portrait

I've taken my self-portrait in the house where I live now, in front of the fireplace. I love wearing dresses and this is my 'Little Black Dress'. I need glasses for reading and I've been wearing them since I was three years old, but back then, my eyesight was much worse.
The book I am holding in my lap is "Makeup - The Ultimate Guide" by Rae Morris, which is an amazing book for anyone who wants to learn more about makeup. It represents where I am in life now, and what I want to achieve in the next three years. At this point, I want to focus and work really hard. I am doing it for myself and if I don't do it, who else will? I am very passionate about this industry, and I know that the knowledge that I will get now, can take me very far. Flowers on my right, remind me of my mother. She loves gardening and we have a huge garden back home, and the vase they're in reminds me or a watering can. The fireplace means warmth which reminds me of home.
The meaning of the clock, as usual, is that the time is passing by. No one can stop the time, you just need to make the most of it and enjoy. As Richelle E. Goodrich wrote, in her book 'Smile Anyway: Quotes, Verse, & Grumblings for Every Day of the Year: “Life may dawdle along in minutes but don't be deceived, for it will sprint by in years before you even notice.”. (date: Oct 18th 2014)

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